After having two beautiful children, we were not able to have any more. Oddly enough this is the same scenario that my husband had in his family- two sisters and then his parents could not have any more children. As an adopted child himself, my husband was quick to say, “Let’s adopt”! It made so much sense to adopt and the adoption process was very wonderful. We felt that God had a hand in choosing a son for our family when our adopted child’s birth parents picked our family for their baby’s home. We feel blessed every day that they chose us! Our children feel no different in our home-adopted or not adopted. They are so close and love each other very much. Each day we are eternally grateful to the birth mother of our youngest child as well as the birth mom of my husband, for their selfless act of giving us the gift of their child. I am humbled by all birth mothers everywhere who so selflessly place their trust in deserving families to raise their children when they cannot do so themselves. Thank you birth moms- we will forever cherish the gift of your child in our home. I hope you know how much your personal sacrifice means to us.